Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I think I set a kind of record between posts

It's kind of difficult to update multiple blogs at once because it just gets confusing. Which do I update? Which one do people care about? Basically, this one is pointless, but sometimes I don't like to see it languish. I still go to my Xanga sometimes, just to look at it and relive those (sad, very childish) memories.

Hm. Stream of consciousness summarizing time.

Copy chief for next year. Worried about leadership skills. Worried about indecision. Indecisive about indecision meaning anything. Crap. Still trying to work on school stuff while bogged down with DB, which means ultimate screwage in both areas. Been told (repeatedly) to quit, but can't quite bring self to. College career and life pretty much based on DB life, can't imagine life without it. Apartment next year, not too far from campus but far from other apartments, won't be able to walk back with other people from work. Worried because of latest sexual assaults/crotch-grabbers. (Although, Nitro is still a really cool name. Even if the guy who owns it is scary as hell.) Have pepper spray, but what if mugged at gunpoint? Not fun. Wish for apartment for self because becoming really solitary, or maybe that's just because not spending time with non-DB folks and feeling disconnect there. Wouldn't want to necessarily live with DB people because already see them too many hours a day, might go crazy, who knows. Just want to Skype with friends once at home. Don't know what to do for the summer, but hopefully will be something that's not going to lead to death. Only 9 classes left for English major and anthropology minor. Freaking out and hoping that calculation isn't a mistake. Have two papers due tomorrow, one a one-page response paper on the Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser and one a four-page paper analyzing the eco-politics of Avatar. It's 3 a.m., got back late from DB, want to die. B> More time.

Maybe I'll edit this later. But usually that means I won't.

Good night.


pureed lemming said...

BABY! What other blogs do you have???? Gimme the url so I can read them :)

Congrats on the copy chief status next year! U're amazing! I ruff u, i'll ttyl on gchat ;)

pureed lemming said...

Oh and Spenser's Faerie Queene, eh? I remember those 10A days..love that book!